Home Remedy for Bad Breath

Bad breath is embarrassing, but by proper dental hygiene and some simple tips this can be effectively remedied at home.

Bad breath can be caused by a variety of causes like poor oral hygiene, smoking, certain foods, dry mouth, gum problems, digestive problems and so on. Knowing the cause is key to an effective remedy.

Here are some simple home remedies for bad breath:
  • Parsley is very effective in refreshing your breath. Add it to your diet regularly.
  • Chew on a few mint leaves. It refresh your breath and eliminates odor
  • Sage is also very good is eliminating bad breath. Sage tea can be used as a gargle for bad breath.
  • Gargle with a solution of lemon and salt.
  • Chew on fennel seeds after a meal.
  • Chewing on cloves also helps bad breath
  • Chew on a cardamom to refresh you breath.
  • Drink lemon juice with warm water after a meal to eliminate bad breath
  • Chew on a ginger candy or sip on tea with ginger, lemon and mint.
  • Eating apple regularly effectively removes your bad breath problem
  • Pineapples also help with eliminating your breath issues.
  • Eating yogurt regularly helps good digestive health and helps to completely remove bad breath.
  • Maintain good oral health. Brush all food particles thoroughly including your gums and tongue after every meal The main reason for most bad breath is the bacteria build up on the tongue. Brush you tongue or use a tongue cleaner (scrapper) for a thorough clean. This will get rid of the bacteria which cause bad breath.
  • Quit Smoking.
  • Limit your coffee and alcohol intake.