Home Remedy for Acne Scars

Scars from acne is one of the biggest skin problems for many teen agers and even some adults. There are some simple home remedies for acne scars.

  • Lemon Juice: Apply the juice from a lemon or lime on the acne scars. This will help fade away the scars and lighten your skin.
  • Mint Juice: Take the juice from a few fresh mint leaves and apply on acne scars to see them fade away.
  • Cucumber Juice: Juice from cucumber is a very good home remedy for both acne and acne scars.
  • Tomato Juice: Applying tomato juice regularly on your skin helps to even out skin tone, get rid of acne scars and brightens your skin and gives a luminous glow.
  • Sandalwood and Turmeric paste: Make a thick paste of sandalwood and turmeric and apply on your acne and acne scars to get a clean and clear skin